The primary function of life insurance is to cover you against sudden losses arising out of sudden death. Insurance not only cover you or your family against specific sudden losses but also works as a tax saving investment vehicle.
Insurance, primarily offers you complete security arising out of risk coverage against the uncertainties of life. And secondarily serves you as a good investment option and tax saving tool. Hence, as an instrument, life insurance offers you the ideal blend of risk cover, returns and tax benefits.
* Tax benefits are subject to changes in the tax laws in future, please consult your tax advisor for more details.
Why you need Insurance ?
Life Insurance is a contract by which you can protect yourself against specific losses by paying a premium over a period of time. Since each one of us, during our lives are faced with numerous risks – failing health, financial losses, accidents and even fatalities, our instinct drives us to cover ourselves against those risks. Though an insurance cover can’t protect you against the emotional losses arising out of these risks, it softens the economic crisis that usually accompanies these losses.
Life Insurance gains much more value if you are a nuclear family. Unlike in the traditional joint family system, in a nuclear family, support from the extended family cannot be counted upon. So it is vital that you have an insurance cover as the protective shield against unfortunate losses.
Life insurance is not only your life that you could insure against those risks. With the Insurance Industry going through positive changes in the last few decades, now, you have a variety of risk coverage options. For instance, products in the market range from whole life insurance to covering risks associated with home loans.
What’s more, now you could choose life insurance as an investment option, the returns of which you can enjoy at the most critical phases of your life – for instance, at the time of your child’s admission into one of those dream institutes.
Life insurance industry is constantly evolving. So, you now have a wider option of insurers – presenting you with products that not only cover those risks, but also act as wealth accumulation or investment avenues, which, you should definitely avail of.
Whether you are new to insurance, or an informed customer, you could always get valuable information from us.
Some Life Insurance Products :
- Unit (Market) Link Life Insurance Plan
- Pension Plan
- Endowment Plan – Money Back and Guranteed Returns
- Term Plan
- Children Unit (Market) Link Plan – For Education / Marriage Etc.